Certificates savings plan is "Innovation of the Year"


Certificates savings plan is "Innovation of the Year"

The "Bonus Certificate Europe Unlimited" wins at the Certificate Award Austria 2020


As the first issuer in Europe, RCB has made it possible to use the reputable bonus certificates as savings plans that have been tried - with no term to maturity. The Europa Unlimited bonus certificate issued in September 2019 was named “Innovation of the Year” at the Certificate Awards Austria 2020 on September 22, 2020. This enables Raiffeisen customers (currently already in Upper Austria and Tyrol, soon also in Burgenland) to build up their wealth with regular savings. With the conclusion of a certificate savings plan, you invest the desired savings amount in the bonus certificate every month.

Without yield and term limitation!

Owing to the unlimited term, the savings plan certificate is suitable for long-term wealth accumulation. In precise terms, the investment is made in a reinvested bonus certificate on the EURO STOXX 50® Index with no term and no yield limitation ("unlimited"). The open-end term is achieved through an automatic "stringing together" of bonus payout profiles: Each of the cycles has a duration of 5 years, the barrier is set at the beginning of each cycle at 60% of the starting price and, depending on the market environment, a market-suited bonus level is set.

The well-known advantages of the bonus strategy, the sideways yield in moderately falling markets, as well as the 1:1 participation with no upper profit limit when prices rise sharply, lead to outperformance compared to a direct investment in the European benchmark index in a slightly falling or sideways market, without significantly to stay behind positive market developments.

Passed the test?

The Europa Unlimited bonus certificate has been available for around a year; the barrier was not breached during the price decline in the course of the COVID-19 market turbulance, so that the bonus mechanism and the associated yield opportunities are completely intact.

Current detailed information on this product can be found on the product detail page.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at +43151520484.

The “Structured Products” team at Raiffeisen Centrobank


This is advertising that does not constitute investment advice, an offer, a recommendation or an invitation to submit an offer. Comprehensive information about the financial instrument and its opportunities and risks - see approved (basis) prospectus (including all supplements), published under www.rcb.at/en/securitiesprospectus. Additional information also in the Key Information Document and under "Customer Information and Regulatory Issues" at www.rcb.at/customerinformation. The approval of the prospectus should not be construed as endorsement of this financial instrument by the authority (FMA). You are about to purchase a product that is not simple and difficult to understand. We recommend that you read the prospectus before making an investment decision. The investor bears the credit risk of Raiffeisen Centrobank AG (RCB) when purchasing the financial instrument. The certificate is subject to specific rules that may already be disadvantageous in case of a probable default of RCB (for example, suspension of interest payments) - see www.rcb.at/en/basag.

Základné údaje:
  • Názov: Bonus-Zertifikat Europa Unlimited
  • Úvodný deň ocenenia: 02.09.2019
  • Splatnosť: 0 rokov
    (Deň splatnosti: -)
  • Kótované na burze: Viedeň
Toto je reklama. Táto reklama nepredstavuje investičné poradenstvo ani ponuku, ani odporúčanie ani výzvu na vykonanie transakcie. Informácie obsiahnuté v tejto reklame nenahrádzajú potrebné individuálne investičné poradenstvo pri kúpe alebo predaji investícií, ani by sa výlučne na základe tohto dokumentu nemalo prijímať žiadne investičné rozhodnutie. Táto reklama nebola pripravená v súlade so zákonnými požiadavkami určenými na podporu nezávislosti investičného prieskumu a nepodlieha zákazu obchodovania pred šírením investičného prieskumu. Základný prospekt (vrátane prípadných dodatkov), ktorý je v súlade s rakúskym zákonom o kapitálovom trhu a bol schválený príslušnými orgánmi (CSSF, FMA), je k dispozícii na webovej stránke Raiffeisen Bank International AG (raiffeisenzertifikate.at/sk/prospekty-k-cennym-papierom/). Schválenie Základného prospektu by sa nemalo vykladať ako potvrdenie finančného nástroja opísaného v tomto dokumente príslušnými orgánmi. Odporúčame prečítať si prospekt pred prijatím investičného rozhodnutia. Ďalšie informácie nájdete v dokumente s kľúčovými informáciami (KID) a v základnom prospekte (vrátane prípadných dodatkov) schválenom príslušnými orgánmi – zverejnenom na raiffeisenzertifikate.at/sk/prospekty-k-cennym-papierom/ – a v základných informačných listoch, ako aj v časti „Klientske informácie a regulačné otázky“ raiffeisenzertifikate.at/sk/o-nas/publikacie/klientske-informacie-a-regulacne-otazky/. Orgány dohľadu: Rakúsky úrad pre finančný trh (FMA), Európska centrálna banka (ECB). Tiráž podľa rakúskeho zákona o médiách: Vlastníkom a vydavateľom médií je Raiffeisen Bank International AG, Am Stadtpark 9, 1030 Viedeň/Rakúsko.